LL.B., Hebrew University, 1967; LL.M., Hebrew University, 1972; Dr.Jur., York University, Canada, 1975. Law clerk to Justice Zvi Berinson, Supreme Court of Israel, 1966; Admitted to Israel Bar, 1968. Lecturer in Law, 1975; Senior Lecturer, 1979; Associate Professor, 1985; Professor, 1991. Ben Gurion Visiting Professor of Law, University of Southern California, 1979 and 1984-85; Visiting Professor, Tulane University, 1989; Visiting Professor, Bar-Ilan University, 2001-2002; Visiting Professor, Columbia University, 2003; Visiting Fellow, Institute for Advanced Legal Studies, University of London, 2005. Member, UN Human Rights Committee, 1995-2002; Vice-Chairperson of Committee, 2001-2002. Research interests: constitutional law, judicial decision-making, human rights and international humanitarian law. Books include: The Law of Nuisance (1979) (in Hebrew); The Law of Assault and Battery (1981) (in Hebrew); The Legal Status of the Arabs in Israel (Westview Press, 1990), (2nd edition, Center for Study of Arab Society in Israel, 2002) (Arabic); The Occupation of Justice: The Supreme Court of Israel and the Occupied Territories (SUNY press, 2002); The Concept of Human Dignity in Human Rights Discourse (edited together with E. Klein, Kluwer Law International, 2002). Selected articles: "Transformation of Tort Liability in the Nineteenth Century: The Visible Hand" (1984) 4 Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 46; "Freedom of Speech and Racism" 8 Cardozo Law Review (1987), 445; "Judicial Review Over Demolition and Sealing of Houses in the Occupied Territories", in Klinghoffer Book on Public Law (ed. by I. Zamir, Jerusalem, 1993), 305 (Hebrew); "Les Droits de L'Homme en Israel", (1995) Pouvoirs 72, 37; "The Supreme Court and the Fourth Geneva Convention: Domestic Enforcement and Interpretation", (1995) 26 Mishpatim 49 (Hebrew); "The New Basic Laws on Human Rights: A Mini-Revolution in Israeli Constitutional Law?" (1996) 14 Netherlands Quarterly of Human Rights 173; "Democracy in the Jurisprudence of the Supreme Court of Israel" (1997) 26 Israel Yearbook on Human Rights 267; "The Path to Judicial review in Human Rights Cases: From Bergman and Kol Ha'am to Mizrahi Bank" (1997) 28 Mishpatim 359(Hebrew); "Fifty Years of Supreme Court Jurisprudence in Human Rights" (1999) 5 Mishpat Umimshal 297 (Hebrew); "The ICJ Advisory Opinion: The Light Treatment of International Humanitarian Law" (2005) 99 AJIL 88; "Targeted Killings of Suspected Terrorists: Extra-Judicial Executions or Legitimate Means of Self-Defence?" (2005) 16 EJIL 171; "Human Rights" (2005) 11 Israel Affairs 39